

(take advantage of the 16% discount)

How many link shorteners do you need per month?

The total number of links you shorten is the sum of all the links you shorten from the web app and browser extension. This total is calculated per organization, not per user.

If you need another solution specific to you contact our representatives.

The total number of links you shorten is the sum of all the links you shorten from the web app and browser extension. This total is calculated per organization, not per user.

If you need another solution specific to you contact our representatives.

The total number of links you shorten is the sum of all the links you shorten from the web app and browser extension. This total is calculated per organization, not per user.

If you need another solution specific to you contact our representatives.




1500 Short Links

Validity period of 365 days per link

Bulk Link Labeling

Your annual discount (-%16)





Fast Onboarding
Validity Period 60 Day 365 Day Unlimited
Number of Links You can Create 500 1500 Unlimited
Click on the Link Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Private Domain - -
Customizing the Connection Extension - -
Link Redirects - -
Pre-Shortened Long Link Control
Performance Analysis
Link Performance History -
Reporting -
Browser Click Data -
Operating System Click Data -
Reference Url Click Data -
Monthly-Weekly Click Data - -
Country - City Level Data -
Device Type Monitoring -
Data Transfer -
Connection Functionality
Qr Codes -
Link Tags
Adding a Bulk Link Tag
Link Filtering -
Platform Access
Device-Specific Web Access
Admin Features
Number of Users -
User Management -
Data Delivery
API - -
Customer Support
Support -