• Authentication

  • Link Creating

  • Converting Text


Creating an API User

If you do not have an API User, you can create a user whose role is an API User from the Users menu, or you can make an API User by editing your regular Users.

API Login Operations

Firstly "api.l24.im" Go to the API page. Then open the Lnk tab. Click /v1/Lnk/Auth on the screen and then “Try it out” Clicking the button starts the login process.

Parameter Explanation
userName Username information of your API User.
password Password information of your API User.

Within the Request Body area "string" Delete the field and enter your own information. After making sure of the information, the execute button should be clicked.

If your username and password are correct, the screen will display 200 code and your information Within the Response Body area "token"Copy the code between double quotes opposite the field. If you get an error that the token will not come HTTP Responses You can look at the section.

Then click the Authorize button at the top. Per Value field into Bearer Add a space and paste the token you copied. Then, after entering the values, click the Authorize button. Login process is finished.

HTTP Responses
Code Explanation
200 OK Successful.
400 Bad Request Incorrect information input.
401 Unauthorized The account does not have permission to perform the transaction. Token missing or invalid / expired.

Link Creating

IMPORTANT: First, the Identity Verification process is required. If you haven't Authentication You can go to its page.

Link Shorting

Click /V1/Lnk under Lnk on the screen and "Try it out" button is clicked.

Parameter Explanation
description Link Description.
name Determines the end of the link Ex: If /l24test is left blank, it automatically gets a unique value
url Link to shorten. It cannot be empty.
expr Indicates the validity period of the abbreviated link. This field requires an integer. If left blank it will be added as 120. If 999 is written in the Expr field, the validity date of the link is unlimited.
tag Adding Labels Ex: test1, test2, test3.

Within the Request Body area "string" Delete the field and enter your own information. After making sure of the information, the execute button should be clicked.

If the information you entered is correct, the 200 code and your information will be displayed on the screen Within the Response Body area"shorturl" Your short link. "exprDate" Your short link is validity period. If you get an error HTTP Responses You can look at the section.

HTTP Responses

Code Explanation
200 OK Successful.
400 Bad Request Incorrect information input.
401 Unauthorized The account does not have permission to perform the transaction. Token missing or invalid / expired.
403 Forbidden Invalid login format.
404 Not Found Source not found.
406 Not Acceptable Content type not specified. Content Type not accepted.
429 Too Many Requests Too Many Requests.
500 Server Error Server Error.
503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable.
504 Gateway Timeout Out of Time.

Converting Text

IMPORTANT: First, the Identity Verification process is required. If you haven't Authentication You can go to its page.

Click /V1/LinkText under Lnk on the screen and "Try it out" button is clicked.

Parameter Explanation
description Link Description.
text Bulk text abbreviation with Links in it. Ex: Welcome to Link24 You can login at www.l24.im
expr Indicates the validity period of the abbreviated link. This field requires an integer. If left blank it will be added as 120. If 999 is written in the Expr field, the validity date of the link is unlimited.
tag Adding Labels Ex: test1, test2, test3.

Within the Request Body area "string" Delete the field and enter your own information. After making sure of the information, the execute button should be clicked.

If the information you entered is correct, the 200 code and your information will be displayed on the screen Within the Response Body area "text" Your converted text. "exprDate"Your converted text is the period of validity. If you get an error HTTP Responses You can look at the section..

HTTP Responses
Kod Explanation
200 OK Successful.
400 Bad Request Incorrect information input.
401 Unauthorized The account does not have permission to perform the transaction. Token missing or invalid / expired.
403 Forbidden Invalid login format.
404 Not Found Source not found.
406 Not Acceptable Content type not specified Content Type not accepted.
429 Too Many Requests Too Many Requests.
500 Server Error Server Error.
503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable.
504 Gateway Timeout Out of Time.